People can eat green apples without causing any serious side effects to the body. It is also a good choice for maintaining your health. However, if you know these tips, you may get even more benefits from eating green apples.
- The appropriate amount to eat is at least 1 per day, but you should not eat too large a quantity.
- When choosing to eat apples, choose ones that are slightly reddish-green. Because apples receive full sunlight before harvest, they may be more nutritious UFABET
- Should be eaten with the skin on. Because most of the nutrients are located in the peel area. But green apples should be cleaned before eating to avoid residue such as pesticides , which can have a negative effect on the body.
- Cleaning apples without residue can be done by soaking whole apples in a solution of 1 teaspoon of baking soda per 2 cups of clean water, leaving it for about 15 minutes, then rinsing it in running water. until the peel disappears

Although green apples have many health benefits, But if you eat too much, it can cause gastritis or acid reflux. Because have a sour taste. Or it may cause bloating as well. Therefore, you should eat the right amount. You should also eat food from all 5 food groups and choose to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables. So that the body receives all necessary nutrients.